Home Inspector Lakeville | Home Inspection (952-583-3701)

One of the main benefits of having a condo inspection early, in the case of a new condo, is being able to sort out issues you may not be aware of with the builder while still under warranty. In the case of resale condos, sometimes a renegotiation of the price might be possible if you include a pass of a condo inspection as a condition of sale.

It is unfortunate but there may have been a poor installation of some item, so even a brand new condo could have a number of costly issues not necessarily related to deterioration or due to age. The value in having an unbiased third party come in and point out any deficiencies or potential risks is immeasurable.

Benefits of a Condo Inspection:

  1. The condo is more than 5 years old
  2. We recommend condo inspections no matter the age, but in the case of a condo that is more than 5 years old – it is highly important!
  3. The buyer or the real estate agent have concerns about the building / unit
  4. Easing anxiety for a buyer of a new condo during the warranty process / period

What is a Condo Inspection?

A condo inspection is a type of home inspection ordered by the buyer or owner of a condo that consists of a walk through inspection of the interior systems of the unit.

What is included in a Condo Inspection?

A condo inspection is a visual inspection of the following:

  1. Heating System

  2. Electrical System

  3. Plumbing System, including faucets, toilets, bathtubs and showers (e.g. are they draining properly?)

  4. Interior structural elements, including windows, walls, floors, doors, etc.

  5. Duct work and Vents

It will also include observations and recommendations, for example – issues with doors / hardware, caulking / grout, air filters, and more…

The inspector will check the appliances, including a recall-check which, as the name describes, lets you know if any of the appliances in the home have been recalled. However, it’s important to note that any inspection of appliances is not mandatory.

Typically, and understandably, an inspection on a condo will be less exhaustive and costly than an inspection in a home. While it is true that there are less systems to examine in a condo unit, you shouldn’t devalue the benefits of having a home inspector examine these condo features because the cost to have them repaired once out of warranty will undoubtedly far exceed the price tag on an inspection.

Home Inspector Lakeville | Home Inspection (952-583-3701)